
Sanctuary of Hekate Closed

The sanctuary of Hekate in Athens used to open 5 months each year for the visitors to see the sites. For the year 2017, it opened only for 1 month for unknown reasons without any kind of announcement.

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Torches in Hellenic Mythology

One of the most well-known symbols of Goddess Hekate is the torch. Other goddesses and gods have as symbol the torch. Let's see who they are.

Prince Erysichthon and Demeter

From the Hymn to Demeter of Kallimachos we will see how the Goddess managed the disrepsectul young prince Erysichthon and what was his ending.

Kallimachos was born in Kyrene in 305 b.C. and he died in Alexandria in 240 b.C. His father was a general. When he was young he lived in Alexandreia, the most important city of philosophy. His teachers were Aratos and Hermocrates. He found a job in the famous library of Alexandreia and he nearly reached the headmaster position. He was a prominent author of reviews and studies. He wrote Pinakes (indexes), a monumental book with all the spiritual treasures that were written in the library. He read and knew a lot of books by heart. In his poetic writings we find Aitia, Epigrammata, Ekale, Iamboi, Hymns etc.

Sacred Eleusis


The sacred place of Eleusis, is today the archaeological place of the city, in which in ancient times the Mysteries of Eleusis took place, offering ceremonies, magickal rituals, religious rituals etc. Inside of the arcaeological place there is the hill of Acropolis of Eleusis. In that hill the first houses of Eleusis were built and after many other houses close to them. I am going to describe the main sites of the place with few words, but have in mind that you will not see the 16 meters buildings, because all kind of barbarians have destroyed the place. Walk with me in this tour.



Photos from Eleusis

Pictures that follow have been shot in September of 2015 from the Archaeological Museum of Eleusis. We encourage the devotee of the Goddess to visit Eleusis when he/she will visit Hellas, as in antiquity was a main place for religion and the mysteries. You can find more information on Eleusis to our articles. We suggest Carl Kerrenyi's book and George Mylona's book on Eleusis. Both have been translated in Hellenic.





Sometimes, people get confused with Demeter and Gaia. They believe that they are the same Goddess. Demeter is newer than Gaia. Their names are connected but not their powers.

Gaia is the general Goddess of the earth. She grows everything, good or bad. She raised Gods and Titas, Demons, Monsters... She loves all of her children. Gaia makes weed grow and trees too. There is no seperation. The worship of Gaia was spread in all over Hellas in ancient times, but she had general characteristics and shape.

Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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