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Vrauron is one of the most important ancient cities of Attica, placed in the south-east seashore. A river called Erasinos goes through this ancient town. The place was inhabitted before 3500 b.C. and in the museum we can see items from the Mycenaean civilization, the Age of Bronze and the Geometric Period.

When Iphigeneia came back from the city of Tauroi (Euxeinos Pontos) with...

Some years ago, I have written in the Covenant of Hekate Facebook group that there is a plan to disappear Hekate from modern archaeology. I displayed some examples of what had happened in Hellas. The members, who weren't educated about these subjects, didn't believe this theory, but now, we have a new incident, following the same political line of canceling Hekate's cult.

There is a...


Livanios is a Hellenic philosopher born in the Hellenic city Antiocheia of Syria in 314 a.C. His family was local and rich and his relatives served the state from various positions of power, like being members of the parliament. When he was 11 he lost his father. At the age of 15 he studied under Zenovios and Oulpianus. When he was 20 he got stuck by thunder and this caused him nerve...

Eros and Psyche is a myth we see included in the book Metamorphoses of Apuleius, written in the 2nd-century a.C. Books four to six contain the myth and it was a common Platonic habit to put a myth when you didn't want to say something openly. The myth starts from point 28 of the fourth book and ends at point 24 of the sixth book. 



In book eleven of Apuleius's Metamorphoses, the hero, Lucius, is saved due to the divine intervention of Isis and then he becomes a priest of Her cult. When he is initiated in Her mystery cult in Hellas, he says a prayer during the end of his initiation. Apuleius, or his hero, Lucius feels grateful and happy at the end of his initiation. The prayer it follows is that one, but you can use it as a prayer to any Goddess you are devoted to. In our...

If you have come to Athens, you have walked to ancient Agora. You have seen Acropolis, Theision and Monasteraki. If you bought souvenirs, then there is a great possibility of passing by Tripodon street or odos tripodon (road of three feet) as we say it. Today it is considered the oldest street...

The secret underground basilica is in the center of Rome. It was built around 50 a.C. and it seems that it was a church, a temple of Neopythagoreans, that ancient Romans didn't know its existence, as it was about 8 meters below their ground.

We see Sapho launching from the cliff of Lefkada, so we can assume that they were built it. Other symbols are centaurs, satyrs, medusa, nikes (...

In this article, we will see how early Christians saw witchcraft as a threat, how they dealt with it, and what they wrote about it. Mainly, we will see their views on ancient Hellenic/Greek religion and other ancient religions like the Egyptian, Persian, and Roman religions and how they created hate against all old religions to promote their own.


Book V

He mentions the grimoire of Pope Honorius III, but he believes that it was written by Cadulus, someone connected with Pope Honorius the II. He characterizes the book as a monument of human diversion because it presents the devil as an organ of power. Later, he mentions that all ancient initiates never wrote their dogma, but they enclosed in symbols and symbolic characters. In...

When I was 20 years old, my teacher in Wicca and I were discussing books about Magick. I asked her one day her opinion on Eliphas Levi History Of Magic. She told me that there are better books on this subject and that this book is outdated. Years later, I asked the same question to Sorita d' Este, around 2015. She told me the same thing. The problem is that I paid a lot of money (46 euros) to buy the two volumes translated in Hellenic/Greek and...

Having seen the previous world of Montague Summers we will continue this journey to the world of lies and propaganda through the book of Grillot de Givry, Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy. The first edition was published in 1931 and the one I use was published in 1971 and reissued in 2009 from Dover publications. The same publishing house of Montague Summers' books...

European Witchcraft is one thing and what is written and believed about European Witchcraft is another, totally different thing. This happens for two reasons. Either the educated people were totally ignorant and they feared Witchcraft or because they wanted to promote Christianity and thus everything else should be considered as an enemy. In some cases, we clearly notice that until our century, priests are totally afraid of Witchcraft and they...


Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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