
The Long Gates

Goddess Hekate is a lunar Goddess from antiquity. It was identified with Selene (the Moon Goddess) and Artemis, who represents the lunar light. We also know that Hekate is also related to Magick, Necromancy and the world of the dead, Hades. Those areas were connected in ancient Hellenic religion, mainly in the parts that were available for the initiates of the mysteries. In this article, I will use Plutarch's work On The Apparent Face On The Circle of The Moon and my Platonic background. Plutarchos was a High Priest/Hierophant in Delphi and a Middle-Platonic philosopher, so he is "our guy" for understanding ancient Hellenic religion.


Kerveros was son of Tyfon and Echidna and the dog of Hades. Plouton put him in front of the gates of Hades as guardian in order not to leave the dead to come out. He was a very wild beast and he had three heads or according to others fifty or one hundred. For hairs he had snakes and his tail was a tail of dragon with a head at the end. His voice was terrific and analogous to his appearance and that's why Hesiodus describe his voice as “chalcophonous” (=with copper voice).

Soul's Journey

Hades is a spacious place in the center of the earth where the people's souls were going after their physical body's death. This place's main rulers are Plouton and Persephone but other gods such as Hermes, Hekate, Fates and Nemesis have power and duties in Hades. There were five rivers:

God Plouton

Pluto is the brother of Zeus. He rules the underworld, Hades. Hekate has the power to walk in his realm. They both share the same symbol: keys and they are related to dogs. Hekate and Persephone share some common properties, that's why they were unified in ancient times. Let's see the characteristics of Pluto, the king of the underworld.

Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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