Goetic Circle

The magickal circle is a necessary tool for evocation, causing the spirits to appear and communicate with you for either gaining knowledge or asking for a task to do for you. Circles were used in ancient Hellas, Egypt, Byzantine Empire and we see them evolving to the goetic circle of the Key of Solomon, which is a tradition that starts from antiquity and continues to our days.

I initially started to search Hygromanteia and the PGM to find a circle, but the two I found, didn't match well with me. The snake that we see in the goetic circle comes from the Graeco-Egyptian magick. The goetic circle has the Godnames, Archangelic Names, Order of Angel names, name of each Sephirah and the Kabbalistic name of the planet. All these for the 9th sephiroth of the Kabbalah. I found very appropriate to add the attributions of the 10th sephira, as Adam Pearson suggests in his blogpost, Crafting A Solomonic Circle. His article is very helpful, as well as Fernando S. Gallegos Circle of Solomon pdf1 and 2 that you can search online. The third source of inspiration is the blog of frater Ashen Chassan, where you can see some photos of his circle.

I searched online to buy a Solomonic circle, but I couldn't find one I liked. My ritual space allows a 1.80 to 2.10 m diameter circle, and so, this does not allow the snake shape to be drawn, because it takes a lot of space. So, I had no choice but to make one and since I have created almost all of my magickal tools, this couldn't be difficult. And it wasn't. When you create a tool you challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone and use skill and cleverness to create something perfect. This process is a journey to learn new things and you should not avoid it.

Creation of The Circle

I bought a heavy canvas natural cloth of white-cream colour, markers for fabric and paints for fabric. It is better to buy a non-polyester cloth because synthetics do not keep the energy. Also keep in mind that a heavy cloth will be stable as a circle. I also bought 5cm stencils of the Hebrew alphabet from the Israel Book Shop. They arrived fast! I put some cardboard on the floor and then the canvas. I stretched it with weights keeping it stretch. I created a diabetes of wood and I attached the marker to the end. The diameter that I used is 2.05 cm. I passed the outer circle several times to make it thick enough. Then I used a fine marker to pass the Hebrew names, starting from the east and moving counterclockwise, the direction of the Hebrew alphabet. There are markers that are very good and others that flush the paint around the fabric, so be careful of the quality. It took me one day to draw the whole Hebrew names. No gaps between them, except the gaps between each sephira. This made possible to have a two-lined outer circle, being perfect as you will see in the images. I used carbon paper to pass the crosses and the astrological signs. The next day I draw the inner circles, making them smaller, the rhomb of the centre and the hexagrams and the alpha-omega. The rhomb and the hexagrams can be drawn by a big ruler or you can print them and use the carbon paper to pass them and then paint them with the marker. The alpha-omega was created with printed paper and carbon paper. The result was great. I also wrote the Godname Adonai using carbon paper. You can use stencils of course, but in my country, they are expensive! The third day I printed the T and put it inside the hexagrams using the carbon paper. By the way, I use the yellow carbon paper, as I have found from past projects that it is better for fabric. Until now, the phase of the Moon is the New Moon going to the Full Moon. In Wicca, the New Moon symbolizes beginnings and so, the beginning of a project.

At this point, your knees will be hurting each time you kneel to the floor to draw. Apply hydration cream each time after you finish the drawing process. The best way to perform is to lie with your belly on the ground and be focused. Listen to whatever music eases your mind. Gregorian chants, mantras, nature sounds or your favourite pop songs. Take some minutes away to revitalize, eat fruits, drink coffee, do something that you like and then return to the drawing. It is also a good idea to fast from food and take a bath before drawing each time. This is something I applied and I felt the energy changing when I got up, exited the circle and then entering the circle. Make the process easy and happy for you.

After everything has been traced, it is time to paint them using fabric paints. I didn't want to use acrylics for various reasons. Fabric paints and markers need to be ironed without steam for 5 minutes or less to be permanent to the fabric and then the circle can be washed and the designs will be still there. The paints need to be consecrated according to the Key of Solomon and I burnt incense during that process that was consecrated accordingly. You will find the passages of consecration from Adam Pearson's blog. The consecration or exorcism of incense is a fairly easy blessing of incense that you do one time and you are ready to burn it every day you need it. For the brushes and the paint, there is the consecration "of the pen, ink and colours". Basically, the pen in the text is a feather from a gosling. In our case, is our brushes we are going to use to fill the letters and the geometrical shapes. The consecration of the brushes is a simple blessing. To consecrate the paints, you should write with a marker in Hebrew the divine names YHVH, Metatron, YAH, Qadosch, Elohim Tzabaoth and then bless them with a simple chant. These operations should be done at the day and hour of Mercury. Use this application to calculate the planetary hours. Also, check the position of the Moon when you create your circle. The consecration of the circle should be done when Moon is in Cancer.

After filling the circle with paintConcerning the painting, I put golden paint in the frame of the Hebrew letters, because it represents divine energy to its purest form. That's why the triangles of ADONAI in the hexagrams is also painted in gold. The rhomb is coloured red and the hexagrams are coloured blue. The rest of the letters are coloured black, as well as the crosses. I was tempted to paint Alpha Omega with gold. For the actual process of painting the letters, you need a no8 brush of good quality (I used a da Vinci), not of pointed shape, but something like a square shape. Fabric paint is absorbed by the canvas and so, you should handle the brush as a dip pen. You will always dip the brush to the paint. Also, you need some water to add to the paint, along with little salt. After some hour of painting, you should flush the brush with water, dry it with a paper towel and continue painting. It took me a day to paint all the letters. Time will pass fast, so take breaks. Also, start from right to left if you are right-handed. Then you may feel that you have to perfect the edges of the letters, so you will need another day for that. 50ml of black paint is enough for one good passing. Some points are more difficult to perfect. For example, I chose a light blue colour for the hexagrams and I had to pass 2 layers because some areas seemed lighter than others, specifically the blue and red painted areas, The paint will bleed to the fabric if there is more water than necessary and you will do mistakes to the process of perfecting the lines. You have to be concentrated and calm to improve the painting. This will drain you of energy. After 3-4 days, you will feel that you are doing something special. It is. It requires full attention for whatever amount of time you are willing to devote each day.

After painting the circle, it is time to iron it. Each piece to medium (two dots), without steam, press over the print and hold. You should put a thin cloth over the painted area. My paints suggest for 5 minutes. It will take you more than 5 hours. You have to take some breaks, to rest. You see, this is not a t-shirt to paint and iron. Then, you cut the circle with an amount of 5-8cm around it, and you take it to a professional to machine stitch it around so that it won't unravel. If you have a big space, you may want to keep a square size to put some weights on the edges. Personally, this didn't fit well on my chessboard floor, so I cut the circle circular. Wash it below 60 degrees (for sure) or at hand using a good quality mild soap and then iron it again, this time, to straighten everything. Lay the circle to your ritual space, place your altar and you are ready. Consider a second consecration when the Moon is waxing and it is on Cancer.

The whole process will take you about two weeks. Start at the New Moon and end at the Full Moon.

Cost of the materials (around 94 euros)

  • Canvas 666gr per meter, 80% cotton, 20% polyester, 3x3 meters, 24 euros + shipping
  • Artline 750 laundry black fine marker for the letters  1.70e
  • Artline t-shit marker black xxl for the circle lines 2.20e
  • Pack of 6 carbon papers yellow 6.50e
  • Darwi tex blue, red paints for fabric 30ml 4.80e (red paint from Darwi was a disappointment. It looked like a pink-red, even after the second layer.)
  • Darwi tex black, gold paints for fabric 50 ml 9e
  • Hebrew letters stencil 20e with shipping
  • If you don't have brushes and a palette, you need to buy some of them too (no4, no6, no8)
  • Machine-stitching at the outer area of the fabric.
The process of creating the magickal circle
The process of creating the circle 1 The proceess of creating the circle 2
The proceess of creating the circle 3
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