Crossroads Newspaper

A triangle-shaped open air sanctuary is located just outside the southwest corner of the Agora in Athens. Its position at a crossroad and the triangular shape of its enclosure, the building is indicated to be a shrine of Hekate.

A triangular hieron of Hekate found outside the southwest corner of Agora in Athens...

Myron was one of the most significant sculptors in ancient Hellas comparable to sculptor Pheidias. Among many statues that decorated the hellenic civilization of the 5th century BC was a statue of Hekate recorded by Pausanias the Geographer.


Who is Myron of Eleytherae


Strophalos or Iynx is an ancient hellenic symbol dated before 2300 b.C. It was connected with the Goddess Hekate and later with Her aspect of Cosmic Soul, sending the Ideas from the Paternal God to the Creator God. Strophalos, triskelion, gammadion-tetraskelion and labyrinth are symbols that look like each other but the uses of strophalos are quite different. Through the help that was provided by the ancient Hellenes writers from Xenophon...

A plaque of the 7th century B.C. depicting a chthonian goddess with snakes was found in Ancient Agora in Hellas. Her characteristics fit to Hekate while similar plaques were found in Eleusis. Considering Hekate's involvement in the Eleusinian Mysteries making a strong connection with the most important religious centre...

Necropolis means the city of the dead. The archaeological place of Kerameikos in its biggest part is a necropolis, a place associated with death, religious practices, and art. For the first time, I will present info about Hekateion, the temple of Hekate in necropolis, and a Triangular Hiero of an unknown Goddess, standing in three ways crossroads, next to the way of Eleusis.



In this article you will read how the ancient Atheneans used to bury their dead, how they saw death from 3000 b.C.until the Roman period 300 a.C. The place we will use as a focal point is the Kerameikos, a part of Athens which was really important for daily life in ancient periods. Kerameikos is a crossroads between sacred way of Eleusis, a sacred way to Demosion Sema, the graves of all highli respected warriors and Atheneans and a road...

I have already written an article about this subject but I want to expand and share another spell from PGM VII 429-458 In that spell Osiris is called with voces magicae implying their secret names. The interesting thing is that the spell is short and quick but it also requires knot magick if you release the katadesmos in special places, using again the famous voces magicaes ASKEI KAI TASKEI (as the ancient text writes).


In PGM IV 1716 lies a very effective binding spell called the Sword of Dardanos, the man who founded the mysteries in Samothrace. The island is associated with the Goddess Hekate. It starts with an invocation to the God who created the universe. I have translated and it can be used as a strong invocation to Hekate Soteira or Hekate Panopaia or Hekate Pasikrateia and calling the aspects of Axis Mundi and Queen of the World.


From the 15 books that the neoplatonic philosopher, Porphyry had written in the 3rd century a.C. in order to examine the teachings of students of Christ under the lens of logic and philosophy, nothing has been survived except some fragments from references of other writers that Professor Adolf von Harnack in 1916 collected and reconstructed a book with quotes that most of them are attributed to Porphyry. In this article I have translated...

Katadesmoi in plural, katadesmos in singular are an ancient hellenic magickal technique. It requires a lead tablet and a nail. The desired purpose is simply written in the lead and then it is fold in half and with a nail on the center it is bound. The instructions of how to make a lead tablet efficently for magickal uses could be found in ancient papyri and ancient tablets.


Goddess Hekate. The invocation I am going to write derives from the PGM XII 238-245. It is an invocation to the almighty God, but I have modified it slightly to invoke the Goddess Hekate. The invocation is very beautiful, truely poetic. I have added the invocation to a well structured ritual, for anyone who wants to follow it or modify it according to its magickal tradition.


Today, in Hellas there are no books on that subject and definately it is a forbidden subject for any hellenic university. The visitor of any hellenic museum will not find clues of ancient Withcraft, not even the Goddess of Witchcraft. The ancient tools, regalia and items of Witchcraft are not exhibits in any hellenic museum. The texts that are written by archaelogists in ancient archaeological sites do not write anything about magick. Did...


Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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