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Neoplatonism (νεοπλατωνισμός) is a term which describes the Neoplatonic Philosophy and it is a development of Plato's (Πλάτων) metaphysical teachings and religious system. The neoplatonic current was the main philosophical school of the late antiquity. This philosophical movement begins in the 3rd century A.C. with Plotinos...

O, Moon Daughter,

barren inspiration and priestess,


Platonic theology is a difficult subject. The contribution of the Goddess is necessary, so let's pray to have Her blessing on something that concerns the existence, the positioning, the role and the influence of the Cosmic Soul.

Divine Platon

Platon (Πλάτων) was born in classical Athens around 428 b.C. He lived...

Plotinos (204 – 270 A.C.) is one of the greatest philosophers of antiquity and his name is spoken in the same breath with the name of Plato. His philosophical system still alive, never stopped to inspire and influence people from his time until today. His philosophical thought influenced mainly by Plato shows and explains the relationship of the man with the God and the human nature with the divine....

This is the beginners a reading list and focuses on the books that a beginner should read in order to get to know the Goddess and Her characteristics better.

There are different books about different topics that someone might find interesting. Some of these books are easier to read and some demand background reading that is indirectly related to Hekate to be properly understood. In...

Updated: 3rd of April
I am going to describe you a situation that you won’t believe. It is beyond surrealism.

Readers of this blog, you may have noticed that both of us (the writers) avoid commenting the work of other people, either books, articles, religious communities or businesses. We try to have a level of seriousness in our previous blog A Witch Alone and modern website...

Someone brought to my attention that atheism is considered disease by Plato. This phrase has caused many misconceptions and negative criticism and it is important before forming an opinion about a subject or a person, we need to be sure that we understand the concept of which someone speaks – and in our case Plato in the current of Platonism.This article is not about to offend anyone or pass judgement...

Before moving to the article, meditate on the following quote inspired by Parmenides.

Temporary is not real. –Hegel (1770-1831)


This article is not closely Hekate related but understanding Parmenides will help you understand Platonism. Read this...

Anyone who is unfair to humans cannot respect God. -Porphyry

As we have written previously on piety from the perspective of different ancient Hellenic writers, we will continue that tradition today, by offering a taste of Platonic theology as addressed in the book Laws, which is the last dialogue of Plato. It consists of 12 books and an additional one. In the...

We have presented the opinions of Zenon and Epictetus in this blog, but we have not written anything on Stoic Philosophy, that great school of antiquity. We don’t often come across Philosophy in blogs about Hekate or even in blogs dealing with the broader range subject of Witchcraft and Magick. In “A Witch Alone at the Crossroads” we consider Philosophy as foundamental for understanding the cult and the mysteries of the Goddess....

As an active member in the community of the Goddess Hekate, I participate in conversations providing evidence, experiences and my opinion whenever I see that I can help. Sometimes, I see some odd opinions online and in my attempt to understand how those were formed, I start a discussion by making questions. I am sure that you have an experience where you ask a question and the other side thinks you are rude, arrogant, disrespectful, fool...

This month, December 2017, I gave exams for the brown belt in Judo. The brown belt is the last belt before giving exams for the grade of 1st Dan black belt. The brown belt (1st kyu) in Judo is the most important belt in my opinion because as students we have seen by now the Gokyo no Waza which is the material of techniques learned in Kodokan since 1895. Teaching for five years Chapkoondo and Taekwondo, and heading for my third black belt at the...


Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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